4 Ways to Boost Your Fertility From Home

You may be staying home, but you can still make a few changes to help boost your fertility while helping to flatten the curve. Making small changes that can help your chances of success can also help mitigate the feelings of stress and anxiety surrounding not being able to pursue treatment as quickly as you’d like. Here, the team at Juhi Fertility Centre helps you over four ways you can boost your fertility while staying home.

  1. Work On Your Fitness
    You can still get a good sweat going while staying home! Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can help improve your chances of conceiving, and a healthy exercise regime can help you reach your weight goals. Getting in a quick thirty minute workout each day – through going for a run, practicing yoga, or enjoying a dance workout video – can go a long way towards helping you into fighting shape for your fertility journey.
  2. Cook Fertility Friendly Meals
    While exercise can help you achieve a healthy weight, you still can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Cooking healthy, fertility friendly meals can help you achieve your health goals while saving money. Pile your plate high with fruits and vegetables, add in a portion of lean protein, and include some healthy fats like olive oil or nuts to create healthy, fertility friendly meals.
  3. Drop Unhealthy Habits
    With coronavirus still circulating, now is a great time to drop unhealthy habits – especially smoking. Smoking has been shown to decrease fertility and cause issues during pregnancy. The same can be shown for alcohol consumption (put down that quaran-tini!), which can reduce your chances of success and negatively impact pregnancy. Take some time while staying home to drop these unhealthy habits and bring you one step closer to your dreams of achieving your family.
  4. Get In Your Z’s
    The stress and anxiety surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic can understandably take a toll on your sleep health. But now more than ever, it is important to get enough quality sleep. Getting enough sleep is important for your body’s immunity, and it is also linked to fertility. Getting enough quality sleep can help improve hormone levels as well as ensure that you have sufficient melatonin production, which can play a role in protecting your eggs when they’re close to ovulation. Make sure to try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each night, avoid screens around bedtime, and get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
  5. You may not be able to take all of the steps towards building your family right now, but there are things you can do to boost your fertility and increase your chances of success. From dropping unhealthy habits, to achieving a healthy weight, and getting in quality sleep, these steps you can take from home can set you up for success when you can move forward with treatment. To learn more about what you can do to make progress on your path to parenthood from home, or to schedule a virtual consultation, contact the team at Juhi Fertility Centre Hyderabad.

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