Already Past 35? Here’s How You Can Get Pregnant

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey that every woman wishes to embark on at some point. However, is there a possibility of pregnancy after 35? You may have heard an age-old myth that getting pregnant after 35 is nearly impossible. Though research states that getting pregnant after 35 is difficult, it is not impossible. Age is not the only factor that may hinder your fertility journey. Your lifestyle can also work against you. However, you can get pregnant after the age of 35 with proper care and counseling, and by reaching out to the right support system.

Juhi Fertility Centre, recognized as the top IVF centre in Hyderabad, is here to assist you in starting a family of your own, even if you are over 35.

Can A 35-year-old Woman Still Get Pregnant? Let Us Find Out!

Your ability to conceive greatly depends on the health of your eggs! Yes, you heard it right. This is the most important biological reason for not being able to get pregnant after 35. Beyond a certain age, the number and quality of viable eggs begin to dwindle.

Research conducted states it is much easier to conceive as compared to the late 30s and 40s. While women over the age of 35, only 1 in 10 women can get pregnant. The risks may be high as you age, in addition to increasing your susceptibility to pregnancy complications. But nothing is impossible! While the number of viable eggs cannot be increased, research suggests that the egg quality can be improved. Lifestyle changes and modern medicine can help you overcome these challenges, steering your path clear towards getting pregnant.

How To Get Pregnant After 35?

As you age, your chances of getting pregnant may drop significantly. However, you can safely get pregnant by adopting some extra steps to improve the odds of a healthy pregnancy. So, how do you get pregnant after 35? Let’s take a look. At Juhi Fertility Centre, we help you understand your fertility rate and have formulated the following helpful lifestyle tips to improve your fertility.

  • Healthy Diet: Boost fertility by incorporating critical foods into your daily diet. Include citrus fruits, avocados, and berries for essential vitamins, and vegetables like broccoli and legumes for valuable nutrients. Enrich lean protein intake with nuts, beans, eggs, and lean meats to positively impact reproductive health and increase chances of conception.
  • Regular Exercise To Stay Active: Consistent low-intensity exercises like walking, jogging, and swimming can help enhance your ovulation to regularise your menstrual cycles.
  • Stress Management: Increased stress levels can cause painful periods, improper ovulation, or prolonged menstrual cycles. This may significantly lower your fertility rate. To reduce this, indulge in relaxation techniques like Yoga and meditation for stress management.
  • Weight Management: Regular exercise can help manage your weight to improve blood sugar levels, reduce insulin resistance, and restore any hormonal imbalance if present.
  • Tracking Your Ovulation: Ovulation means when your ovaries release mature, viable eggs essential for fertilisation. Tracking your ovulation time can increase your chances of getting pregnant since it is the most fertile window. Using ovulation kits can be helpful, or you may discuss it with your doctor for better guidance.
  • Taking Supplements: Prenatal supplements including iron and folic acid can be beneficial since they prepare your body for conception.
  • When To Seek Help?

    If you have been trying to get pregnant naturally over the past six months and have failed to conceive, then this is the right time to seek help through infertility treatments. Treatment options offered by Juhi Fertility Centre- The best IVF centre in Hyderabad, include:


  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a procedure that involves collecting the male sperm and injecting it directly into your uterine cavity.
  • This decreases the time the sperm travels to the egg, thereby increasing the chances of fertilisation.
  • IVF

  • Invitro fertilisation (IVF) is also known as Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), a procedure in which the male sperm and a woman’s egg are combined (fertilised) in a petridish outside the woman’s body.
  • The embryo is monitored carefully and then transferred to the woman’s body at the right time.
  • ICSI

  • Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) involves the sperm being injected directly into the egg in the petridish, thereby increasing the chances of fertilisation.
  • Once the embryo is formed, it is monitored carefully and then transferred to the woman’s body at the right time.
  • In conclusion, fertility challenges after 35 can be addressed with proper care. Juhi Fertility Centre, the top IVF centre in Hyderabad, supports those over 35 in their journey to parenthood. Lifestyle adjustments, including a healthy diet and regular exercise, can enhance the chances of conception. Seeking assistance when needed, and considering modern fertility treatments like IUI and IVF, provides tailored solutions for overcoming infertility challenges and realising the dream of parenthood.

    Our team at Juhi Fertility Centre offers comprehensive screening and treatment through advanced technology. Your treatment will be customised based on your needs and preferences, with utmost patient compliance and confidentiality. For further evaluation and guidance, feel free to contact us!

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